
“Contribute to the enrichment of social life around the world through information services.”
Let us show you how our business activities are committed to sustainability.
Toyokumo's Initiatives

Thanks OSS Award
We continuously provide financial support to open-source software developers who are willing to freely release source code for reuse, redistribution, and modification. For more details, please refer to 'Thanks OSS Award'

Endeavors to increase average annual income of employees
We emphasize investment in human capital as the foundation that bolsters our business activities. As a specific initiative of this endeavor, we are proactively working to increase the average annual income of our employees in addition to our ongoing hiring efforts.

Ensuring service quality (service level agreement, SLA)
We develop our services to ensure that our customers can securely use them as a stable IT infrastructure. As a specific initiative, our “Safety Confirmation Service II” has established the standards regarding the service level agreement (SLA) for our customers. For more details, please refer to 'Service Level Agreement (SLA).'

Creation and e-mail distribution of electronic paper sheets
By combining “PrintCreator” and “kMailer,” two of the Toyokumo kintoneApp services we provide, with Cybozu, Inc.’s cloud-based “Kintone” platform, our clients can establish a system to electronically create paper sheets like quotations and invoices and deliver them via e-mail.
By providing these services, we contribute to the reduction of the burden on the environment by reducing the use of paper and plastic.

Establishment of a fair and equitable corporate governance structure
To appropriately and fairly address the needs and concerns of our various stakeholders, we strive to enhance and strengthen corporate governance while achieving continuous growth and maximizing corporate value. We regard this as our material management issue.